Thursday, February 05, 2009

Boys, because that's really what you are..

For the sake being it has to be said that you are a breed that really comes from another planet! Some of you are so winy and unreal that there's no word for it! And for the rest of you, I wonder are you really for real?

Yes I do sound pretty pessimistic and angry with men now, but for the times that I've been burned or treated dishonest, this is a payback! But I have to say that it doesn't concern all of you.. So if you feel threatened by this, it's probably because it's true!

So why do you promise things when you can't keep it? And why say things that's not even true? Not that I really care anymore, but it's disrespectful not to inform the other person about what's really going on. For myself, one of my best features are that i don't dwell on things! Treat me wrong and you're out of my life. Be to intense and the same will happen. OK, I see that I'm not the easiest person, but respect and honesty is one of my demands! So when I'm treated otherwise, you'll get the same back!
And yes, it can have something to do with this women thing we got called PMS. But fuck it. A blowout is in it's place sometimes!

And for you who's been good guys - props to you! You make mankind worth the time.. Or?
But anyways - I don't believe you before you prove yourself worthy!!!

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

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