Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some things..

So this is it, is it over now? What will you do when I'm not around anymore? Is that when the cats come out to play? Sometimes I wish that I didn't care, but just went on with my life like there's nothing else to it. Like I did before.

I miss the days of not caring, just fly away with the wind. The life I lived when I was in Thailand. But it's seems like it never has happened. It's eight years ago now, man! I just want to sell everything and leave, live the life I'm supposed to under the sun with the smiling people. So come on, lets do this for real. No regrets or u turns, just take a leap of faith! I believe that we'll do good, because it's you and me. No fucking doubts, just take the sun and go with it! There's no whatever, I do care and you know that. So don't jerk me around. I'm serious, for once in my life I'm actually sure that this is whats right.

I'm sick of the maybe-we're-gonna-do-this, I want action, fireworks and our dreams to come true! So here I am, catch me if you can and if you can't, set me free...

I don't belong here, so lift your wings and experience the world with me!

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY