Saturday, March 21, 2009

Human Trafficking!

I woke up this morning, turned on the TV and came over a Dr. Phil show. It was about human trafficking and it made my stomach turn! Damn these people, it's so fucked up! Who can someone sell a child for money and sex? How is this possible?

This is something that's going on your own country peoples. And these men can be your neighbors or someone you know! THIS IS JUST SO WRONG!! How can someone do this? What if it was your own child. How would that make you feel? I can't find words to describe how disgusting and sick this make me feel. But it's not making it better to criminalize the victims here. They don't choose this life. It's forced on them. These children are runaways, looking for a better life or been "promised" the world! Please don't fall for that! The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I know that life's hard and unfair some times!
Take this in and put the people behind trafficking in JAIL!!!

"Make your life a hit, don't wait for your life to make the hit". Rev. RUN

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

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