Monday, November 03, 2008

While I wait..

I do live this life and take in what is coming to me, so that I will not miss out on anything. So If you somehow do believe that my life is on pause - believe again!

In this life of mine I do experience a lot from a day till day basis. Sometimes it feels like time stands still and other times like it goes to fast. I have a mixed feeling about things. And it is all just things. But it is something to it I guess. A friend of mine is going to Africa for a whole month. Traveling with a group for three weeks! I have to say that I am a little jealous. How sweet would that be, just leaving for a month when it is cold and gray here in Oslo? But I do hope for snow, so I can make snow angels. And get a whiter day.
So while others travel the world and see these places I wait patiently and hope for me to see the world again soon.

I am saving for a trip to South Korea, have to say that I have not saved much yet. But I am not in a hurry. Like I said before, it is not a contest this life we live. I do this in my own way and in my own time. So for you who are in a hurry, chill, take it slow and let your soul rest. The only thing you get out of stress is more stress. And for as long as this relationship thing goes. I do not know really. Is it suppose to be what it is or you tell me?
From one to the other or just the one? That is the question today. It is all these people that keep coming back in my life. I do not know how to take it. But it is what it is and the future will tell. So here is the conclusion, I live my life and if someone wants to be a part of it, just stop me!

Copyright © 2008 Lady AhY

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