Thursday, March 05, 2009


It's hard this life and if that's not enough we have to concur this thing we call love. We all look for it and when we've found it we complain. Ain't there no end to this story?

Nevertheless I have girlfriends who really wants their boyfriends to be more like they want to. But why are you together with someone you wanna change? That isn't right, is it? Or is it that you change a person or change into a person. It's not that you should want to do this, but yes there are situations where you would love the other person to do it a little different.

But why is it so hard to tell them what you want? The insecurity is now a fact. From my point of view I can see how things are with others, but when it comes to my own life it's hard. Is it that we pay for our mistakes in the next relationships? We ladies have our own way seeing what's what in this world. But we want you to see and get what we want without telling you. I get that this can be disturbing and unclear. But just give us a hint, about what's going on. Do the small romantic stuff, surprise us, send cute texts, take us out on dates and let us know that we mean something.

If you're out for fun, be honest about.

But I throw in the towel now, it's late and tomorrow it's a new day and I have an audition for Ragga Team Norway...


Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

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